Information for Families at Malpensa Airport

If you are travelling with children please read the following information on the facilities available for parents and families.

Babies up to the age of two (before their second birthday)

Babies under the age of two normally do not have their own seat whilst on board an aircraft; they should travel in the arms of the parents. Parents are issued with seatbelts for landing and taking off as the child should also be strapped in.


Children from the age of 2 years old up to 12 years of age (before 12th birthday)

Children over the age of two have to have their own seat (unless under exceptional circumstances) – Children between the ages of 2 and 12 pay a reduced air fare but have the same luggage allowance as an adult.

Unaccompanied Children

Age restrictions tend to vary from airline to airline as to the minimum age in which a child can travel unaccompanied; the general consensus is that children under the age of 12 are not allowed to travel on their own.

Certain airlines will provide assistance for children unaccompanied aged 12 to 15 (16 and over is considered an adult) – When making a reservation for a child traveling unaccompanied in many cases there will be assistance provided by the airport itself by means of accompanying the child up to the boarding gate and even up to the aircraft if needed.



Passengers are advised to inform the airline in cases of pregnancy, as there may be additional documentation required.


Baby Pit Stop

Malpensa airport provide a special area for breast feeding, this area is located in the Sala Amica which is clearly sign posted. It offers mother’s the possibility of breast feeding their baby away from all the hustle and bustle of the airport terminal as well as privacy in a pleasant environment; this is a free space by UNICEF’s campaign supporting breast feeding.

The Baby Pit Stops are part of the SEA’s initiative and also form part of their emergency contingency plan offering assistance in exceptional circumstances, they will assist with nappies, food, milk and napkins; this is a non-profit initiative.